Game. Set. Match.

Everyone calls the entertainment industry "the game." Well, if this is a game, then I'm going to play it and I'm going to play it well.

I've been noticing at work that despite my best efforts to remain under the radar and keep my head down without anyone raving about what great work I've done, I've been given a lot more responsibility than the other interns who have been there much longer than me. At first, they made me an administrator on one of their seasonal websites so that I could answer customer inquiries. That was fine with me, it's one website that's only popular during that particular holiday.
Then, they made me administrator of another seasonal website. Okay...I can dig it, still not an extremely important thing in the grand scheme of things here.
Monday, they gave me access to one of the shared drivers on the network that interns are absolutely prohibited from. Not only did they give me access to this drive, but they had me refunding costumers for tickets to events they'd purchased. The company doesn't like to give refunds so they told me that it was at my discretion if I thought they should be refunded or not.
Now these people's money is in my hands??
Yesterday, they made me administrator, again, for what is probably their biggest ticketing website, if not their second biggest. I left work knowing I had to make some plays here before they gave me some type of Rookie of the Year award.
I woke up this morning feeling groggy as usual. And like every morning, my argument with myself over if I should quit or not had me running behind schedule. This morning though, I saw my chance for an All-Star play. I went on my laptop, wrote a quick note to my boss to let him know I would not be in until 1 PM today because I had a last minute interview I had to go to.
Now, under normal circumstances, I would never let my superior know I was actively searching for work, (nor would I tell a lie!!) but this is how I've decided to play the game. Call it a foul on the play if you'd like, hit me with an unsportsmanlike conduct if you have to. I don't want this team making room for me on their roster. I cuddled back into my dangerously comfortable bed, and slept with a smirk on my face until 12 PM. The streets of Manhattan were good to me for those extra hours, completely quiet and calm.
I strolled into work at 1 PM, still smiling and had the usual pleasantries with my boss. He asked how my interview went and I could tell by the look on his face that he was happy when I said it was just okay but I wasn't very confident in it. I went over to my desk where my other boss told me another intern would now be splitting up my work with me.
3 Point Play for the Intern Chick. This is what I wanted. Make room for someone that wants it, I'd rather be the free agent, pen in hand waiting to sign with someone else.



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