My job is a fashion show.  The office hallways are mini runways, the employees are models, and the bathroom is the staging area.  My first day of work, I was handed a dress code and a paper to sign saying that I understood it.  I'm sure at real jobs, there is a dress code...but in Hip-Hop??  I had to look around the office to make sure I showed up for the right job!!  I did notice on my interview how fancy everyone was, but I thought I was just there on a special day (or maybe it was a special day because I was THERE!).  I noticed all the men wore what I have seen everyone wear to work in the past: jeans, a shirt, and some fly sneakers.  But the women were all wearing nice pants, heels (shoot me now) and the kind of nice shirts that I get tangled in when I even attempt to try them on.  I signed the dress code but it didn't make any sense to me...what are "fashion sneakers" and when it said "clean" how clean do they have to be, I mean, they do go on my feet right???  

That night I stared blankly into my closet until yellows and oranges began to blend together, and I could no longer tell the difference between black and navy blue.  I realized my $4 shirts from Conway that I rocked at work last year weren't going to cut it, and I had to get pretty creative with the outfits I wore last week.  As I said before, I am a sneaker freak and wearing heels to me is like a slow form of torture.  Over the weekend, I bought a couple new shirts (I only got tangled up in one while trying them on in the fitting room) and a nice $12 pair of heels from Payless.  Once again, this morning I stared into my closet with glazed-donut-eyes, and decided I'd wear one of my new shirts (the one I got tangled in).  So I put it on, found a pair of capris, and I actually had a pair of heels in the back of my closet that matched--but I walked to work in my Old Navy flip flops.  

I was almost to work when I encountered a typical New York guy:

NY Guy:  DAMN baby, you're looking REAL good today!
Me: (awkward "are you talking to me" look)  Yea...not for you
NY Guy:  mm mm MMM!  (stares me down as I walk away)

Usually when I sit at my desk, I realize whatever wack ass outfit I created won't be making the cut in the office fashion show and I swear I'll wear something cute tomorrow (it rarely happens).  But today I felt fairly good about my outfit and an hour after being there I walked to the bathroom.  As I left the bathroom, I did a quick look over the shoulder to see how I looked from different angles, but I noticed in the mirror behind me that hanging out of the back of my shirt, as if I were a mannequin, is a $17.90 price tag from H&M.  I hate to think how many people in Midtown, on the subway, on my walk to work, that guy I encountered on that walk, and in my office, snickered to themselves as I strutted by with my price tag.  

I think tomorrow I'll take a chance and wear my Jordans, maybe I'll find out if they're nice enough to be considered fashion sneakers and be in the office fashion show.


  1. Jeanette said...

    Fresh Up Towns!  



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