Me:  Hello??

That A&R: Oh hey Internchick, its That A&R...what's up?
Me: (thinking: umm..seriously? What IS up, because you called me!) Nothing really, how are you?
That A&R: I'm great.  So, when do you graduate?

Man, this guy wanted to get right down to business, didn't he?  I told him when I graduate and he continued..

That A&R:  Okay cool, well, I'm going on tour with my artist for a month.  But, I really think I need to hire an assistant at my company...I just need to get the money together.
Me: (Is this one of those "aww too bad, maybe next time" things?) Oh, okay...
That A&R:  Yea, so when I get back from tour I'm going to decide but I'd really like to bring you on board if possible.  
Me:  Yes!  That would be great!  Anything you could do for me, just let me know, it's been hard trying to find a job.
That A&R:  Okay.  And if that doesn't work out, maybe you can just freelance for me for a little while until it becomes more permanent.

Right.  You know what the problem I have with the word "freelance" is?  It has the word "free" in it.  And you know what the most exciting thing about graduating from intern to employee is?  You actually get to fill in the box on the application that says "desired salary."  I hung up the phone with him and mulled that one over.  And by mulled it over, I mean I analyzed it to death in typical 20-something female fashion until I finally fell asleep.  And then I kind of just let it go.
I decided to look at it as something to blog about but something that would probably not come to fruition.  Hey, thats okay...99.9% of the things people in the music industry say may be true when the words come out of their mouth but will probably be untrue within an hour, or at least by the end of the work day.  If it happens, it'll be great...I think, and if it doesn't, I think I just drafted this guy onto my team of great people who want to see me employed.  At least as a second string player.
Then today a friend of mine called and said, "Hey, I heard That A&R is going to hire you.  That's what he said to me."
Excuse me while I pick my mouth up off the floor and recover from my mini heart attack.

I realized that going to school is not nearly as interesting as being an intern. The highlight of my week when I'm in school is when class gets out 30 minutes early...and I'm pretty sure no one cares about all that! But, since I am graduating in a month, I am looking for a job. That's not exciting either. Especially when your job search consists of pages and pages of jobs that could only be relevant to your qualifications on Opposite Day and message strains of me shamelessly promoting the fact that I am in need of a job.

I'll admit, its funny every once in a while. You know the kind of humor I'm talking about. The kind where you spend thirty minutes filling out an online application only to find that there's an error in the website and in the part on your application where it says "position applying for" yours is blank. Which means yours goes right in the garbage. It was funny the first time, and all around hilarious the second time. Or, its pretty laughable when after asking all your contacts if they know about any job openings they all inform you about the same one at the one company you interned at where you got a horrible evaluation for no reason. Ahh, don't you just love humor like that?

Well, one day last week, I decided to up the ante a little and turn the whole job-hunting thing into an even bigger joke. I made my facebook status say something like, "If I were in your shoes, I would DEFINITELY hire myself" Ha,ha,'s all so funny. I did get a chuckle when someone in a very good position wrote, "If I had the money...," you know the kind of chuckle that brings tears to your eyes?? Right. But yesterday when I logged into my facebook account I had a message from an A&R that I know through a mutual friend. All it said was, "Give me a call when you get a second...I want to seee what you're doing now" I just so happen to know this A&R is in the market for an assistant. This job hunting thing just got serious. The laughs just turned into that queasy feeling you get when you get called into the prinicpal's office and you don't know why.

Does anybody have a Rolaid on hand??



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