Oh how I love Tuesdays...they go by so quickly, its my FAVORITE. Today was no exception. I was late for work, but so was my boss. I did send him a text to let him know I'd be late, only to find out once I got to the office that he wasn't even there yet! I blew my own cover, smoooooth. It didn't matter though, I did my usual mindless routines and around 4 Vin said he had some errand to do and he'd be back in an hour. What? Can you even do that??? I guess he did. I don't even have to say this, but, he wasn't back for an hour and a half.
Labels: intern, internship
Let's face it, getting an internship in A&R for me, for whatever reason, is impossible. It doesn't mean I'm going to give up, but it means that I'm at my wits end here, and I'd really like to walk myself into someone's office and kick and scream until that someone hires me. Not very effective, I know. I haven't had such a hard time getting an internship since my very first one, when I had no experience. But I have experience now...I mean...free help with experience, how much more could you ask for?? But apparently, there's something I'm not doing right, and I know exactly what it is.
Labels: artist and repertoire, intern, internship
I survived my first music industry event (as a guest, not as someone working at the event!). One of my friends from home came out to NY to come with me, and we met up with a girl I used to intern with. I'm pretty sure we almost died in the cab, this was after the driver almost hit someone somewhere on Broadway. We got there right when the party started, because I heard it was going to get packed pretty quickly, and that they'd stop letting people in. You know how it is when you first show up to a party or a bar and its early still, everyone was awkwardly standing around, not really sure what to do, taking long sips of their drinks after every sentence spoken. People loosened up somewhere around 8:00.
Labels: intern, internship, lessons, listening party, party
Intern Chick is on Twitter!! Let me just say, I hate Twitter and I think its the dumbest thing to become popular recently. Are we that disconnected that instead of calling my friends and talking about what I am doing, I need to tell a twitter page? Whatever...I'm on there and I have no idea how to use it, but my fellow Twitter-er and Twitter-ettes, add me!! Then help me use it!
Labels: events, listening party, twitter
If you haven't figured this out by now, music has been my life for as long as I can remember, and it always will be (hopefully). Here's my list of the 5 songs that made the whole music thing something I couldn't walk away from.
I never understood why my professors called it "housekeeping" when they needed to address issues like when to hand in homework, or how class was going to be run the next month, etc etc. I don't know what I would call it, but housekeeping wouldn't be my first choice...to me that word evokes cleaning up a house and we are not in a house nor are we cleaning anything up!
Labels: comments, housekeeping, thoughts
It wasn't even like I rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, I got up on the wrong, wrong WRONG side of the bed. I was not in the mood for anything, and I had to coax myself to actually get on with my day, telling myself I only had to make it to 7:00 and the weekend would be MINE. On my way to work, I got an email from Vin* telling me he was going to be late today (surprise, surprise) and to let the Big Boss know; I slowed down my pace and took my time getting to work. The morning was quiet; the phones didn't ring too much, and I didn't have any real work to do, so I pretty much relaxed until almost 2:00. Once Vin got in, the day went by a little faster, he asked me to rush compiling a discography (in Photoshop, the bane of my existence) for one of our producers. I did it as fast as I could, but I'm almost positive my computer is slowly crashing, and my irrational thoughts are confirmed every time it freezes and the fan starts whirling. I finished the discography and a few hours later, that same producer needed copies of every license that had been given out for one of his songs in the past 12 months.
Labels: intern, internship, licenses
Today work actually felt like a real internship...being given a list of seemingly impossibly tasks, having a deadline for said tasks, having my boss unload unwanted CDs on me, etc. The only thing that was missing was being sent out on some ridiculous errand, or maybe a, "Could you get me a cup of coffee?" The first half of the day did go by extremely slow, as I suspected it would, and I was half an hour late!
Labels: day in the life, intern, internship
So today was my first day really trying to care about my internship and applying 100% of myself. Its hard when my Big Boss is out on medical leave and her assistant (we'll call him Vin* from now on), Vin shows up about an hour late for work. But, the day did go by pretty fast because I stayed focus on the menial tasks I was doing, instead of complaining to myself about how much I hate doing it.
Labels: intern, internship, job search
One of the most important things to understand when you're interning is that you are going to have to do things you don't want to do. And because as an intern you are the lowest of low, its better to just do these things instead of complaining about them (within reason, of course). As an intern, you will be put through hell and sent on impossible errands just to prove your worth and one day, they won't matter anymore. After that day, you'll be treated just like everyone else and a new intern will come into the picture. In the past, I've done plenty of things I just didn't feel like doing, or been assigned projects I thought were completely useless, and I've done them well. Maybe I've done one useless task too many, maybe I'm just ready to be more than an intern, but this time around, I'm finding it harder than ever to give 110% of myself to my job. But I've realized that its not going to get any better on its own, and that you have to create opportunities when there are none presented to you. So as I start my 4th week of my internship, I'm really going to apply myself like I have in the past. I'm going to make it my priority to be the best intern my bosses have had, instead of spending the day thinking up ways to make the time go by faster. And hopefully, as in the past, some amazing opportunities will arise. Remember, you can only take out what you put in.
Labels: intern, internship
This weekend my first visitor came, and it was my obligation to show him around and make the 4+ hour bus ride worth while (I won't mention here the run-around I was given by the hotel and EHS after they lost the paperwork I filled out for my guest to stay here). I've only been here about three weeks, and although I did live here last year, the friends I made then aren't people I see very often, and I wasn't 21 last year, so I don't exactly know the hot spots that New York has to offer. And herein lies my dilemma, I'm not quite a real New Yorker, but I'm definitely not a tourist. So I had to get a little creative. On Friday night we went to the Mets game against the Braves. I got us great seats the morning of the game and was really proud of myself that I thought of such a cool, "New York" thing to do on such short notice. But then the skies opened up and it poured for hours on end. We went to the game anyway, and luckily enough, our seats were not out in the open so we managed to stay dry, but after sitting there for 2 hours, the game was cancelled. It takes about an hour each way on the 7 train...so Friday night ended up being what I like to call "a tour of the 7 line through Queens and back again."
I turned on the TV this morning and was overcome with that sinking feeling of the remembrance that 7 years ago today it appeared as though the world was coming to an end. I'll keep this short because I am a firm believer in looking towards the future and living life rather than looking back on it. That day marked a kind of downward spiral in my life for probably the next 5 years or so; it was the first time I truly understood that I was not invincible, and neither was anybody else. I watched as much as I could this morning of the 9/11 Tribute this morning while I got ready for work and I found it very touching that each person who lost their life on that day was remembered individually, rather than grouped together as they so often are. New Yorkers were eerily quiet on my commute to work this morning, and I don't doubt the same thing was on each and every person's mind. I hope none of us ever forget that day, but more importantly, that we all continue living despite the fears or sadness that day brought into our lives.
Labels: 9/11
Let's be real here--I have nothing to blog about today. So, just some random happenings. Last night I went to a bar with the girls I lived with last year while I was interning in New York. It was so nice to see them, and for a minute, it felt like I was living with them again. I came home and passed out, then woke up late this morning. Let's just say I'm supposed to be at work at 11, and I woke up at 10:30. I was too tired to move quickly, so I left my room at about 10 after 11 and then I saw it. New York looked like someone was standing on the roof of my hotel dumping gallons of water on the street...I couldn't even stand inside and wait it out because I was late. I walked as fast as I could to the train station but got soaked in the process. While I was waiting for the train, I noticed everyone else was dry as a raisin, looking like they had beautiful sunshine on their walk to the train, while I look like I decided to roll around in a nearby lake. I was pretty embarrassed when I walked in half an hour late to work this morning. Normally I'd try to sneak in, but my shoes were making that loud squeaky noise, and as I approached my desk, my boss turned around, looked me up and down, and then went back to his computer. And, because the temperature in the office is kept at an Arctic chill, I sat like water in an ice tray all day, slowing freezing. That thick, muggy heat the subway stations are infamous for? Yea, I was never so happy to stand in that in my life!
Labels: intern, internship, random
I don't work on Mondays. I did however, set my alarm for work last night, and woke up when it went off and started getting ready for work. Then I remembered it was Monday. Thankfully, I realized this while still at the hotel, and did not actually go into work. That would have been embarrassing. Those of you that know me, know that I do things like this fairly often. And so, in no particular order and from all past internships/jobs, here are some of my most embarrassing work moments. Enjoy!
- Getting stuck in the lobby of my office one night after the doors on either side had locked and having to call my office manager to let me out.
- On one of my first days, I was introduced to some people in the marketing department. One person I was introduced to looked so familiar to me, I was thinking in my head, "OMG! I totally know her, why is she shaking my hand and introducing herself to me, I KNOW her! She looks so familiar, where do I know her from though?" I decided to play it cool and shook her hand like I didn't know her. As I was walking away, I realized she looked so familiar because she had appeared on one of my favorite reality TV shows. Thank God I didn't say I knew her, that would've been awkward!
- Accidentally walking in front of a camera taping a TV show, and then hearing the producers angrily mumble how they can't use that footage and need to re-shoot.
- Breaking the mail machine and not telling anyone. Then when I went to use it a week later, it had been moved into the mailroom because people kept "breaking it and not telling anyone," and now with it being in the mailroom, employees were not allowed to touch it. Woops!
- Getting someone's contact info at a networking event and talking them for 30 minutes. Then coming up to him about an hour later to introduce myself and ask if he'd heard about the company I was working for. Then, nervously trying to pretend like I knew he was the guy I'd spent the past half an hour talking to.
- Being asked by an interviewer, "So, tell me about yourself," and after mumbling and stuttering, I spit out, "Whoa thats hard...uhhhh, next question?"
- Being given the nickname "Scrappy" by my coworkers because I was always tripping on the office carpeting.
- Standing in the lobby talking to a group of coworkers and after announcing that I was going to do real work and they should too, walking right into a glass case so hard that I almost knocked it over.
- Working at a really classy event and passing out gift bags from a very nicely decorated table. Getting tangled in the table cloth, causing the gift bags, flowers, oh and candles, to fall off the table.
- Tipping a delivery guy $20 of my boss' money by accident. Then having to call the restaurant and ask to send the delivery guy back with my boss' money. Then having to call back AGAIN after realizing they forgot my boss' soup and ask them to send someone back, for the third time.
- Showing up to work after taking muscle relaxers the night before. And after repeatedly telling my boss I was fine to do my job, falling asleep slumped over in my chair.
Labels: embarrassing moments, intern, internship
Last night I dreamt about my grandmother. I never get to talk to her in my dreams, or touch her, or hear her voice. I only see her, and its always as if she is blissfully unaware of her presence in my psyche. I dream about her fairly often and I always awake from these dreams feeling sick with the remembrance that she is no longer physically here with me. I feel that I got into college solely on the essay I wrote about her (particularly since my SAT scores were sub-par), in which I recounted my life long comparison of her to a butterfly. I thought of her this way because late in her life, she decided to take her fate into her own hands and really started living. She did what she wanted to, and filled her calendar with new and exciting things.
Labels: intern, internship, motivation
My job is a fashion show. The office hallways are mini runways, the employees are models, and the bathroom is the staging area. My first day of work, I was handed a dress code and a paper to sign saying that I understood it. I'm sure at real jobs, there is a dress code...but in Hip-Hop?? I had to look around the office to make sure I showed up for the right job!! I did notice on my interview how fancy everyone was, but I thought I was just there on a special day (or maybe it was a special day because I was THERE!). I noticed all the men wore what I have seen everyone wear to work in the past: jeans, a shirt, and some fly sneakers. But the women were all wearing nice pants, heels (shoot me now) and the kind of nice shirts that I get tangled in when I even attempt to try them on. I signed the dress code but it didn't make any sense to me...what are "fashion sneakers" and when it said "clean" how clean do they have to be, I mean, they do go on my feet right???
Labels: dress code, fashion, intern, internship