Two Days, One Problem

Let's face it, getting an internship in A&R for me, for whatever reason, is impossible.  It doesn't mean I'm going to give up, but it means that I'm at my wits end here, and I'd really like to walk myself into someone's office and kick and scream until that someone hires me.  Not very effective, I know.  I haven't had such a hard time getting an internship since my very first one, when I had no experience.  But I have experience now...I help with experience, how much more could you ask for??  But apparently, there's something I'm not doing right, and I know exactly what it is.

My current internship has me on lock down.  I go in there three days a week only, and sit at my desk, and waste away (I really am trying to make the best of it, ever since I posted about it).  So when I send people my resume, or mention where I've worked, they're completely excited about it.   Then the big question comes..."what's your availability?"  I think every time I've told someone I'm only available two days a week they've had to stifle the belly laugh rising from their throats.  They think that the time spent training me, or should I say "wasted" (probably their word, definitely not mine) will not be worth the time that I can put in.  What they don't know is I'd do anything for that internship--hell, I'd come in the office every day and give them a foot rub just to be given the opportunity to network with other A&R's.  

I can't necessarily leave my current that even in the rule book??  I keep hoping for it to get better...I keep hoping for someone who will give me that chance, that 2-day-a-week chance to prove myself.  So last night, I sent out 6 messages, 6 because it is my lucky number (yes, I completely realize the ridiculousness of this, but like I said--I'm at my wits end here!).  So far, one person has read the message and not responded, 2 people have asked me to send over my resume, and I'm still waiting on the other 3.  If something doesn't come out of this, I think I might just have to turn my resume into a billboard sized sign, dress in some crazy get up, a la Naked Cowboy in Times Square, and wait outside someone's office for that chance.

Someone please tell me this is a bad idea--the more I think about it, the more normal it seems.  




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