Eyes on The Prize

My first week made me realize that this internship is a little something I like to call, A WASTE OF MY TIME!  Late Wednesday night, after a hysterical phone call to my boyfriend back in New England, I decided I would try to get another internship.  If I could work at this one 3 days a week, or maybe 2 1/2, and work at a new one the other days, I may have some glimmer of hope for this last internship to not be a complete waste of time.  I was feeling better by Thursday morning when I was woken up by the usual 8 AM construction of the hotel (the workers start every morning at 8 AM, they stop at 9:29 on the dot, and what time does my alarm go off? You guessed it,9:30..), but by the time I got to work I was feeling pretty low again.  I e-mailed some of my contacts and asked if they knew anyone who needed an A&R intern (if I'm going to do this, I might as well shoot for what I want, right?).  Publishing is not my thing, and I spent another morning watching the clock slowly tick by.  I talked to my big boss on the phone for the first time and found her to be really down to earth and laid back, so I'm a little excited to meet her.  She seemed willing to fill me in on things that are going on, and that is hard to find in a music executive.  

Later that afternoon, an A&R that used to work for my boss came by to do some work matching up songwriters with producers, and other exciting A&R things.  He introduced himself to me and for a long time, I've been prepping myself for the day I come face to face with an A&R. This is where the nerd in me shines, but whenever I listen to new music, I break it down and think of specific things I like and dislike, or what I would change about the song--just in case an A&R ever played a track for  me and asked me what I thought of it.  I always knew this was irrational, but less than an hour after that A&R had arrived, I was sitting in an office with him and responding to his questions, "What do you think about this song?" and "Which one of these songs do you like better?"  He asked me what my background was and I told him all the places I interned and he said, "Wow, I've never heard that come out of an intern's mouth."  He seemed pretty impressed with me and took me seriously once I told him that, and he even taught me a few things about working in A&R.  Remember what I said, its all about networking!

I left work an hour early to catch a train home for my exciting Labor Day Weekend.  I felt a little more confident after that chance encounter and that maybe, just maybe, this internship will have something to offer me.

Don't think I'm still not trying to get another internship to fill my time!




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