That's right, today on my day off I set myself up for an interview with a very big Hip-Hop record label.  In fact, this label is one of those "dream job" places I often fantasized about before I started interning.  Don't get too excited though, its not in A&R, its in New Media, but at least I'll be at a record label, not wasting away like I am at my current job.  And the way I'm looking at it, New Media is probably the future of the record industry.  So I might as well get a taste for it...and more importantly, its not the label's "corporate office," like the situation I'm in now.

I got the interview through networking, of course!  A friend of mine that I used to intern with knew this guy and gave me his info and I sent over a quick e-mail and my resume.  The worst part?  I had to update my resume with where I'm working now and I couldn't think of anything to write!  I felt a little less bad when I asked one of my old bosses what she thought I should do and she suggested I make stuff up.  I don't condone this, and I will say that I successfully updated my resume without making stuff up, but it wasn't easy.  The best part?  This place is only 15 blocks from where I live!

My interview is Friday, and for the next three days, I will be frantically figuring out what to wear.  The problem lies in the fact that the music industry is not the real fancy interview attire does not necessarily apply.  Do I wear jeans since I know that's what everyone wears anyway?  Do I wear dress pants and look like a fool for 30 minutes while everyone stares at "the girl who is all dressed up" and chuckles?  Today, I'm leaning towards jeans.  Of course this may attribute to my new found love of wearing my huge pink fleece robe every chance I get because its so comfortable and cuddly!




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