So its been over a month since I promised a Part II to "Things You Should Never Do," but better late than never!
A few months ago while in class, a guest speaker came to talk about his work in the music industry. As he spoke I noticed that he was doing something very similar to what my friend, Jacob* wants to be doing. Jacob also just so happened to be sitting next to me listening to this guy talk. The whole time I was thinking about how excited he must be that the career gods have planted this industry professional into our classroom for Jacob to connect with. At the end of class, as Jacob headed for the door, I had to stop him. Normally I mind my own business, but here is this huge opportunity to Jacob to make a contact in something he wants to do but doesn't know the right people to get started!
I asked him if he was going to talk to the speaker. He looked at me blankly, not understanding why I would ask such a thing! Then I looked at him blankly, not understanding what there was for him to misunderstand! So I said it bluntly, "Why wouldn't you talk to him?! He is the perfect guy for you to speak with, and he might be able to really help you." He still stared blankly at me and said he wouldn't know what to say in the first place. I fed him a couple of lines to say to the man and nearly pushed him in the guy's direction.
I watched from the door as Jacob attempted to approach him. He stood there awkwardly, with his hands in his pockets, half waiting for the guy to start up a conversation with him. Then I watched Jacob let the man walk right out of the classroom, still standing there with his hands in his pockets. We left class and I asked him why he did what he did. Jacob seemed annoyed, probably upset that he'd let the opportunity go by and just told me he didn't need that guy anyway, what was he going to do for him?
Please, all my interns and aspiring interns, never underestimate what network one person can bring to you!