
Today at internship #2, I sat in on a meeting about our label launching a mobile site. I was asked before the meeting to look at the site and write down what I like and what I don't like. Needless to say, my "what I don't like" list was twice as long as "what I do like" list. Its not (completely) that I'm a hater, but at one point at a different internship, it was my sole job for about 2 months to look at our company website and figure out how to make it better and sit in countless boring meetings to discuss it.

So I was asked to come to this meeting and I printed out my notes and showed up at 4:00 sharp. The guy who created the site was running the meeting, which had bad news written all over it. Apparently, this guy created the site without consulting anyone, and didn't show anyone until it was done and mannn is this the worst mobile site I've ever seen!

Clearly, he didn't take the criticism very well.

There were a bunch of people in the meeting but I was the only intern and also the only person who hadn't been at the meeting that was held about the same site last week. So at first I was just getting caught up. Twenty minutes later, we were still on the same subject and I thought I was missing something. How could we still be talking about the same thing? Basically everyone was in agreement on the layout of the site except the guy who created it, who doesn't even want our label's logo on the site, but he wants to talk about branding.


I know a pretty good deal about marketing and that is BAD business. Why would you DO that? I was sitting there just baffled. It got so ridiculous that I decided there was no way I was understanding this correctly. I couldn't even believe we were having a meeting about this in the first place! I didn't mention ONE thing on my list because my suggestions were so beyond the argument of "should we or should we not put our logo on the website?" and I was positive what they were talking about was beyond my understanding.

After the meeting my bosses were talking about how bad it went and what a waste of time it was. They were saying the same things I was thinking, and I realized I WASN'T crazy or dumb, for that matter.

II couldn't help but think, if this guy is THAT stupid and he's in charge, its only a matter of time before I graduate college and (hopefully) take over. Who's with me!



  1. Meaghan said...

    isn't it crazy how stupid people can be, and They are in charge of You!?! Its all gonna be worth it trust me! And its stuff like this that gives you the extra determination to get done with school and take charge of these lost people :) could totally do what I did. God forbid you be put in that situation but if you were you would rock it out just like me. Just look at all you are doing now :)

    Keep in touch, i know i will be following you...not stalking that sounded Rock!  



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