Where Have I Been?

I've been a delinquent blogger lately, you don't have to tell me twice.  And so, here's a wrap up of the past couple days that I haven't been blogging and what has been consuming my mind.

Wednesday October 29:

"Crap, Halloween is on Friday and I don't even have a costume.  Do I even have plans for Halloween?"

The A&R came to work, I saw him for t-minus 2 seconds as I was on my way out to run an errand.  Phew, it was a close call.

"I think I'll buy a hot coffee after work and walk to the costume store...do I even have plans for Halloween??"

I bought a coffee, the wind blew the top off of said coffee, and I had to drink it fast before going into the costume store.

Thursday October 30:

On time for work for the first time in a very long time.

"What am I doing for Halloween?"

The A&R came to work.  We had a nice convo, he makes me nervous.

"Does he notice how tongue tied I get when I talk to him?  Can he just tell me what he really thinks so I can stop being such a nervous nelly in front of him?"

Called different clubs and bars to find out what their admission (I should call it robbing) is for Halloween.  Insanely expensive.  Luckily got on the guest list for Mansion and very excited about it.

Stayed up way too late working, and deleting emails on my phone from an e-mail list I've been signed up for that I never signed up for.

Friday, October 31:

Horrible sleep, my phone has been going off all night, I decide to hide it under a pile of clothes.  Bad choice.

"Man, I feel so well rested.  What time is it?? WHAT??? 12:15 PM, I'm 45 minutes late for work!  Why didn't I hear my alarm?? OH, because my phone is muffled in the corner of my room because of those stupid emails"

I'm not going to work.  I proceed to figure out how to remove myself from the e-mail list.  Meet a nice girl in the elevator who gives me a Halloween costume that is way cooler than mine, and I gladly accept it.

I go out for Halloween with some friends from home and have a terrible time, glad I put so much effort into this fake holiday.

"Note to self: Halloween is not a holiday money should be spent on, save that for Christmas, or Veteran's Day for all I care"

Saturday/Sunday November 1/2:

This is my first weekend I get to sleep in in months. SCORREEE!!

Monday November 3:

Commute to work from my mom's house.  I missed my train and sat in the cold for an hour with wet hair.  Horrible way to start my day.  

"Woops, didn't I have something due today for job #2??"

Make a stop at my place before work and e-mail project that was due 2 hours ago from job #2.

"If I close my eyes but sit up straight, will anyone know that I'm sleeping at my desk??"  

Take the train back to my mom's house.

"I hate the train, I should really invest in a car service just for me, I won't even require any experience."

Home finally, do more work, hang out with my best friend, stay up way too late and regret making the decision to wake up super early and vote.

Now that we're all caught up, you see you didn't miss much.  And I bet you thought I was doing some type of fun InternChick thing.




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