The Big Boss made an appearance at internship #1 on Thursday. It's always an adventure when she comes in. I did get sent out, in the rain, in my new favorite shoes, on an errand to the weirdest gift wrap store I've never heard of so that she could wrap the CEO's (belated) birthday gift. That was interesting.
While she was there I heard her giving, what I now consider to be the best advice I've ever heard. This advice was directed towards Vin but I listened and I listened attentively, and what she told him was this. She said that when he was an intern and he took direction from her then assistants, Vin was always messing up. In fact, I think her exact words were, "I wanted to fire you everyday" (that made me wonder how she REALLY feels about me). And then she said that now that he works directly for her, he rarely messes up. I missed some parts of the conversation because, after all, I was eavesdropping.
She then went on to say something to this effect. Sometimes you get so concerned with trying to impress your boss, you stop listening. You interrupt, trying to finish their sentence so you can prove yourself and let them know you are 100% in tune with their needs. But what really ends up happening is that you missed the point, and you increase your margin of error. She said that the key was to stop the chatter, and not just the chatter coming out of your mouth, but the chatter in your mind. Just listen, and listen wholly and completely, and you'll get it right.
This piece of advice spoke loudly to me because I am the queen of trying to go above and beyond to please my bosses, and not often, but sometimes I don't get it right because I was 5 steps ahead of where my boss was in trying to explain.
Not to mention, this advice was given after I did an amazing job running the errand for her. She asked me to find a box that was already wrapped, that you could just open and the gift would be inside, rather than having to unwrap something. I went into her office when she was explaining this and sat completely quiet and listened (not because I have some psychic ability and knew she'd be passing this advice to Vin later, but out of pure exhaustion). She told me to go look up any stores nearby that carried what she was looking for. I found one, called them up, had the customer service woman look through their catalog and give me all the information. So not 10 minutes later, I marched into the Big Boss' office, notepad in hand, armed with the answers to her every question.
Big Boss: How big are the boxes they carry?
Me: Anywhere from 2 x 3 to 16 x 13, and I looked up the measurements of the gift which are about 5 x 7 and they have a box that is 7 x 5.
Big Boss: Well, what do they look like?
Me: They're all different patterns, they have boxes that are appropriate for men and women so we shouldn't have a problem finding one.
Big Boss: What are the boxes wrapped in?
Me: I'm not POSITIVE, but I think they're done in their own paper
(By this time, I could tell she was semi-impressed but also trying to catch me with a question I didn't have the answer to)
Big Boss: (long pause) Oh, well that sounds perfect. Let me get my card for you. WAIT! Where are they located?
(I could totally tell she'd thought she caught me with a question I didn't know the answer to)
Me: Not far at all (I proceed to give her the address with the cross streets) so its not far at all, it shouldn't take too long to walk to and come back.
Big Boss: GREAT! Because I really wanted to give it to him before he leaves today. So, here's the card, you know how to sign my name right??
Me: No problem...I'll be back in time. And yes, I know how to sign your name the right way. So I'll be back in a bit, is there anything else you need before I leave?
Big Boss: Oh don't know how much they are, do you? (She really thought she caught me this time)
Me: The smallest one is $6 but the one that I think will fit the gift best is $13. (I gave her a slight smile that must have said, nice try, but I'm on top of it) And, did you want tissue paper and a ribbon to go with it?
Big Boss: (with a surprised look on her face because she hadn't thought of it) Umm, yea, that'd be great! Thanks, Internchick.
I picked right and she loved what I came back with. I knew she was impressed because there was not one question she asked me that I didn't have the answer to, because I listened to what it was she wanted, and got all the information for her. I decided a long time ago I would never be able to spend enough time with her to impress her and I gave up on it, but because I was just trying to get the job done as she asked, I did it right.
Just like she told Vin, you have to stop the chatter, and the chatter in your mind, and just listen.
One time for your mind..
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